Saturday 1 August 2009

CDC Recommendations about H1N1 Vaccination

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggest priority distribution of H1N1 influenza vaccine in 5 groups.
The director of National Center for Immunization & Respiratory Diseases with the CDC, Anne Schuchat, MD, announced that there are 5 recommendation groups to receive the vaccine:
  1. Pregnant women,
  2. household contacts of children younger than 6 months of age,
  3. healthcare workers & emergency medical services personnel,
  4. children and young people between 6 months and 24 years of age,
  5. non-elderly adults with underlying risk conditions or medical conditions that increase their risk for complications from influenza.
The Advisory Committee of Immunization Practices also proposed a priority group that should be vaccinated in the event of a shortage. These include:
  1. Pregnant women,
  2. household contacts of children younger than 6 months of age,
  3. healthcare workers & emergency services personnel who have direct contact with patient or infectious substances,
  4. children between 6 months and 4 years of age,
  5. children between 5 to 18 years of age who have underlying risk factors that put them at greater risk for complications of influenza.
  • Medscape

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